Christmas 2013

Dear Friends,


            Another year has passed, and I find I care less and less for the trappings of Christmas and am SO grateful to be visiting Ainsley in Virginia this year instead of wrestling a tree up, in spite of my admiration for the decorations all our neighbors put out.  Perhaps it’s just a phase and I shall be excited to do it again next year. I have been rehearsing a Christmas revue since October, so maybe I get enough every night.  Boy! That all sounds very Grinch-ish, doesn’t it!?


            Jim spent a couple weeks in upstate New York with the floods earlier this year. His Red Cross involvement still keeps him interested and involved. He meets regularly with the local Red Cross people, finds help when help is needed locally. And, of course, he keeps the electronic communications at home humming. In January, he will participate in a Citizens’ Police Academy. I’m kind of jealous.


            I started the year with “Driving Miss Daisy” – I believe I could play Daisy Werthan every day for the rest of my life! I LOVE that role! On then to Neil Simon’s “Lost in Yonkers” as the German/Jewish grandmother. It was difficult to stay angry for 2 hours at a time, but it, too, was a good and challenging role. I pretty much took the summer off after I rode my bicycle into a panel truck (my fault entirely) and broke the top off my humerus. It’s pretty much good as new now, albeit with lots of screws (my arm – well, and the bike, too). In October I performed in the “Laramie Project: 10 Years Later,” and now, the Christmas in Cotuit revue where I get to sing my favorite kids’ Christmas song, “Are My Ears on Straight?” about the Tiny Tears doll I had growing up.


            My Middle School Drama group presented an original Steph DeFerie play, “Froggie Went A-Courtin’” in March. It was great fun. I love seeing these kids get more and more accomplished and comfortable on the stage.


            I jumped out of a plane with my playwright friend, Steph DeFerie, in September. It was my second time, and I hope not my last, although there are people here in Chatham who think it is inherently dangerous and want to shut the operation down.


            Ainsley continues to work for the World Bank in D.C as a Junior Professional Associate, while living 2 subway stops away in Rosslyn, VA, just across the river from Georgetown.            She and boyfriend, Hernan Chiriboga, went to Ecuador in October for Hernan’s brother’s wedding. Graduate school in in both their futures, after they get a little more professional experience.


            We all met in Woodbridge, CT at Thanksgiving at my sister Freddi’s and her husband, Alan’s house. My younger sister, Peggy, and her husband Jonathan, Ainsley and Hernan, and two of Freddi and Alan’s four children and their children made for quite a gathering. As always, the food was wonderful. Where do I start about having a Master Chef for a brother-in-law? Afterwards, Ainsley and Hernan joined us on Cape Cod for 2 days before driving back to Washington in the holiday traffic. How well I remember those drives!


            Oh, and did I mention the Red Sox won the World Series this year?                      


            So here it is – actually Friday-the-thirteenth as I finish this up and look for pictures to include. I really should become proficient in Publisher so this can be more seamless – maybe next year.


            Wishing you and yours a wonderful Christmas and a happy and healthy 2014!





See 2013 in Pictures